Like all the other web artists out there… I’ve finally gotten a Patreon! More like my husband “harassed” me into getting one. Still, it exists and gets more love than the blog section of “Acrylic Eyes.” ^////^ Anyway, for those[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
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I’m sure that everyone noticed that the updates stopped for a while. My husband and I live in Puerto Rico. Sorry for the disruption on comic page posting! Not going to go into the horror story that surviving Hurricane Maria[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
OMG! Still alive! Not sure if everyone realized that I was in the path of Irma! Golly!!! Good news is that there really wasn’t a lot of damage to my area… and I got water and electricity back within about[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Snapped a shot the other day of a couple of my boys… Omi was understandably homicidal looking. <3 -Kiki.chan78.
As a favor to a friend, I was asked to fix a set of resin statues, cuz, I know more or less how to handle resin. That was about a week ago. Fast forward to today, and I find that[…]↓ Read the rest of this entry…
Recent face-up commission being sent out. I’m really going to miss this dreaming volks boy. He really was a little darling. <3 -Kiki.chan78.
I probably should have stated that the comics will start updating regularly in July… Why July? Why not? It has the awesome distinction of being my birth month, so there’s that. <3 -Kiki.chan78.